Refreshingly cool to soothe away intimate worries and feel fresh all day!
This feminine wash bar is infused with effective and organic ingredients that will provide you a refreshing and virgin-feeling all day!
Eliminates bad bacteria
Eliminates unpleasant odor
Whitening and Moisturizing
Tightens skin
Restore feminine freshness with natural cooling effect
Tightens vaginal muscle
Witch Aegilops Triuncialis,help whitening and tightens muscle.
Cleansing the most sensitive area of a woman. Maintains the proper natural moisture of the skin, reducing inflammation and irritation.
Free the skin from bacteria and other Infections, Itching, Burning Sensation and Unpleasant Odors.
✪ Active Ingredients : Aegilops Triuncialis, Tanaka ,Ginseng , Pueraria mirifica,Curcuma aromatica,Vitamin E
- Pink Lady Secret Soap Feminine Care For Secret Area Revital With Essence Oil
- ✔ Soothing soap. ✔ Fragrance. ✔ Cleanliness. ✔ Reduce odor. ✔ Reduce itching.